Saturday, October 29, 2011

Blogtober 29, 2011 - "Almost Judging"

Tomorrow is judging day, boy am I nervous! I will be there super early, my friend is writing for the Himalayans, and she's taking me.

I bought my mom a Polish. I hope he can be a solid herd buck.

I've been meaning to blog everyday I'm here, but I am so overwhelmed with how much there is to type about, that it's hard to start a blog! I don't know where to begin. Naturally, the longer I wait, the more stuff there is, so I figured one LOOOOOOOOOONG post after I get settled back home will do just fine. I am updating pictures on my Facebook page if you want to look: Click Me!!

I update that daily. So, I guess toodles until tomorrow! It's judging, so I'm assuming I will be updating with placings, and what not.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blogtober 27, 2011 - "Indanapolis: Check!"

Well, we're in Indianapolis. Unfortunately it's almost midnight, and I'm uber tired. Expect lots of updates, and a run down of events!

For now, enjoy this lovely photo I took outside of the fair grounds.

Till tomorrow, toodles!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogtober 25, 2011 - "Packing Supervisor"

You know what's worse than packing? Other than figuring out what you want to wear the next day, when all the good clothes are being packed away for the trip (if you understand this dilemma, you feel my pain). I'm talking about being watched while you pack. Not a simple check up, NO. I'm talking about having your own personal supervisor!

You may be thinking; "Kristina, but your mom is only trying to help". No she isn't! Why is she not helping? Because she isn't my supervisor. Think smaller. More K-9ish. Smaller. Smaller again. A wee bit smaller. Smaller than the average sized Chihuahua.

What do you get?

This thing:

I was on the RA chat with Tessa when this picture was taken

Ugh. I can do it myself, Kloe. Thank you!

All jokes aside, I did manage to pack 80% of what I plan on taking. The rest of it will be finished tomorrow. I am so excited, and yet so nervous!!!!

Spencer is looking for my sneakers as I type. Which have gone MIA. Figures.. I don't want my toes to freeze! They are important to me.

So, not much else to say.. My tattoo turned out to be 3 dots.. the third is light, and wont be going away anything soon. Actually! Here's a picture:

Yup yup. That will be there for a few years.

Ok! Seriously, bye bye till tomorrow. I will try to update on the road. I can't promise how well that is going to work out... I've never updated through my phone before!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Blogtober 24, 2011 - "Day of preperation

As the days before we leave for Convention dwindles down to 2, I realize I really need to hustle. I have school tomorrow, so I will only have a few hours to double check things over before it becomes dark, and pack. Wednesday is going to be uber hectic, so the less I have to do, the better.

First thing is first:

Prepare the food.

50 scoops, half an hour, and 3 bags later:

Next thing was the tattooing, and clipping of toe nails. Just like I don't like to clip at shows, I will not tattoo my own rabbits at shows. Convention is no different. There is no telling what will go on during, and I may not have time to do it.

I did some how manage to tattoo myself.. 2 dots, and they'll be there for a while! It hurt. I now know how they feel, and it is so different when you're not expecting it.

I also got the carriers cleaned, and ready, the show box is all ready with everything stocked.

I don't know what else to type... so toodles!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blogtober 23, 2011 - "Cage Decorations"

I made my cage decorations for convention. The rules are that they have to be made of plastic or paper. Foam is plastic, right? Haha. We'll have to wait and see. I made some for each of the rabbits I entered. I used this foam cutout wreath thing from work. I'll show you what it's supposed to look like when the whole thing is actually done, but I only used the rabbit parts of this decoration thing. I know, so wonderful at explaining things!

I tried to decorate each differently, but I ran into a few problems with the feet and hands, as you can see.

I used my old business cards to write the names on it.

They will be attached to the cage using zip ties. I really like how they turned out. I have one rabbit decoration left, and the only rabbit that's allowed to not go is Espresso. Tea Cup would be her replacement, and she's the only replacement I have.

Till tomorrow, toodles!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tomorrow's Checklist

Spencer has the day off tomorrow, so here is what I plan on doing:

1. Deworm all the rabbits
2. Clean all the cages
3. Clean the carriers that are going to convention thoroughly
4. Hunt down all my water bottles (some have poofed)
5. Figure out what I want to buy at convention
6. Relax

Let's see what actually gets done!

Blogtober 22, 2011 - "Convention Thoughts"

As convention draws near, so does my nerves. I am so afraid I'm going to forget something!!! I bought oats and sunflower seeds for the rabbits today. I hope it helps, idk if it's too late or not. We also got the topper for the truck, so they will all be safe. I have been eyeing everyone's coat, and so far no one has started molting. Of course, that can change any minute.

I am just so excited! I want Wednesday to hurry up and get here. I have 3 movies that I am going to put on my ipod; Red Riding Hood, Nightmare Before Christmas, and the 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Those are the movies I have digital copies of, and I can charge my ipod in the car, but not my computer. Tuesday is going to be a busy, busy day, and Wednesday is just going to be hectic. I want to wake up early early so I fall asleep at night. Night driving is the worse. It was horrible last year. It typically gets dark around 7:30 or 8 here, but on the way home it was dark at 5! Talk about playing mind games.

So, I will leave you for tonight... I update my nail blog, if you care. Link up top, "adore-a-polish".

Goodnight, and toodles!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blogtober 18, 2010 - "Blogtober Whoes"

Blogtober is kicking my butt. I will be taking a break for a day or two, and catch back with you guys with new pictures of a few rabbits (Mainly Iris).

Also, I changed the background on Sunday. I figured with it being halfway through October, and getting closer to Halloween, that it would be ok to switch my focus too Halloween!! I love the background, I love cute ghosts like that.

Alrighty, that is all, so Toodles!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blogtober 17, 2011 - "What to pack"

Here is a pretty detailed list of what I want to pack for convention. Oy. Here we go!

Bathroom stuff
Body Wash
Shower Puff
Hair Spray
Dry Shampoo
Face stuff - wash, cleanser, spot treatment, blackhead remover, lotion
Nail Polish - Lots....
Makeup stuff - Pretty much all of it, I don't have a lot
Cotton Balls

Several shirts - I need options
All of my undergarments - ...... I need options
Comfy big shirts to sleep in - maybe 3 or 4
Comfy shorts (2) and Pjs (2)
Jackets - Whatever is warmest
Shoes - Pretty shoes, flips flops (I wear flip flops in 30 degree weather), and sneakers
Maybe necklaces - probably not
Halloween earrings - 2 pairs!!!
Socks - Like 8 or so pairs, or whatever I can match up
Misc. Stuff
Lighter for the candles
Pills - Over the counter and perscription
Camera + camera stuff
Phone charging stuff
ipod charging stuff
Purses - like 3 of them

I know I'm missing stuff....  It seems like so much though!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blogtober 16, 2011 - "Bottoms Up"

Today we FINALLY replaced the last 4 cages bottoms. If you don't remember, I had to replace a bottom due to the wire being broken in the cage. I decided to do the rest of the stacker since I already had to repair one cage, and I decided to just replace them so that wont happen.

Here are the final results!! Nothing was broken, I just wanted it replaced for prevention purposes.

Braden, Do You Remember, and Marshmallow checking out their new digs. So funny how curious they get when there's something new in their cages!! The fourth one was Espresso's cage, but she wasn't sniffing. Snob.... lol

Here are some cute pictures of Holly eating her foot

Om nom nom

Just a pre warning, if I ever don't have something to post here for Blogtober, I will be updating my other blog. I will say something here, but if you couldn't care less about nail polish, then there's no point in checking out that blog. Just to let you guys know that I am making a blog post every day, there are just times when I don't have anything rabbit related to post about.

Ok, see you guys tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blogtober 15, 2011 - "Weird Dream"

I had a dream last night about convention. We were at the show room (Apparently JW had their own room, as well as Mini Rex. Weird, right?). Someone walked up to me, when I was staring at Espresso's cage. "Is this your rabbit?" I looked at the cage, and said "It was, I don't know where she went". My mom apparently had her lol.

Such a random dream. Convention needs to hurry up. If I'm dreaming about it, then it needs to hurry!

I updated my other blog, adore-a-polish. If I don't have a decent update here, there's one there. I have 3 blogs that are already written, ready to be posted. See you tomorrow!!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blogtober 14, 2011 - "Ramble Ramble"

I've been thinking about which rabbits to breed after convention. The rabbits I breed will partly choose the direction my rabbitry may go in. I wanted to focus on Agoutis, but with the way things are working out, it's kind of hard. Tans are something that I have gotten into by chance. I started out with a Black Silver Marten, never bred her, but she was the beginning of my Jersey Wooly herd, none the less. Tea Cup was a surprised. I bred my REW buck to a Chocolate doe, and 2 REW, and 2 Black Otters popped out. Shocker!

I was thinking about breeding that REW buck to my new Sable Marten doe. I would expect tans, of course, but which kinds are a mystery! I want to be surprised with them. I also want to try Iris again. Hopefully she can have some healthy alive, none stretched babies.

I feel like I'm rambling, and this doesn't make any sense.... Hmmmm. The background will change to a Halloween one on Sunday!!!! Yay!!!!

Ok, toodles!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blogtober 13, 2011 - "Nothing to report, Sir"

Nothing to report, bunnies are quite boring today. I updated my other blog:

I plan on taking a few more pictures tomorrow. I wasn't happy with the way a few of them turned out yesterday. Till tomorrow, toodles!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Blogtober 12, 2011 - "How I pose my woolies"

"A Jersey Wooly should be posed in their natural position to display a high head mount, thus accentuating the compact type and bold head. A Jersey Wooly should not be stretched out or over tucked. Their head must not be pushed or forced down. These practices distort the desired conformation."
The standard allows for many interpretations of the way a Wooly should be posed. Some pose high, like a Netherland Dwarf, some pose some where in the middle, and the really daring choose not to pose at all (i.e carpet huggers). I choose to pose in the middle. I feel like this is the best way to show off the rabbits body. To help me show you examples, are Do You Remember and OPI!

Do You remember is showing off my version of the correct Wooly pose. Keep in mind, everyone interprets the standard differently. I feel like this shows the roundness of body, and properly shows if he is undercut, flat over shoulder or hindquarters, among other things.


Now Mr. Remember is showing us his favorite way to pose; way too high! I feel like this can easily make the rabbit look undercut, not well rounded, and almost too compact, to the point where it looks over posed. Again, this is the judgment of this picture, not the overall type of woolies posed like this.


 My explanations above are also shown here by OPI. The difference in the two different ways of posing are huge, and his body type looks significantly different.


What am I trying to explain? That the pose should be a correct representation of the rabbit. Sometimes posing up high does the rabbit justice, and sometimes it doesn't. My opinion will stick: I like 'em posed in the middle.

Today's Blogtobers:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogtober 11, 2011 - "Sweeps and Things"

Official sweeps are in for Jersey Wooly. But, things have gone awry (haha, I love that word) and some of the lists aren't right. BUT I did place decently well in my district! I placed 6th, not bad for not trying haha. Braden is 59th open rabbit, with 10 legs to show for it. You wouldn't believe it, looking at him now. Mr. Molty as I like to call  him.

Things are slow as we begin to think about preparing for convention. I know, I said that I would update the blogtobers, but it's midterm week and I am swamped! That's why the blog posts have been so BLAH lately. Sorry! After Thursday I'm in the clear.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blogtober 10, 2011 - "What goes to a show"

Quick blog post today, I had a lot of work for school, so not much time to blog. This what our trunk looks like when we go to a show:

What's in here:
- Show table
- 3 chairs (for each person going)
- Show cart (orange)
- Carriers, with rabbits in them (of course)
- I also always bring my ipods, laptop, pedigree book, camera, wallet, and snacks
- You already know what's in my show box

That's what it looks like on a typical show day. We wake up at 4, leave around 5-5:30, and head out to Bartow!

I also want to say that I will be posting a blog while I am on my way to convention. Blog on the go! I'll update the "rest of today's blogtobers" for this post, and the last one, tomorrow.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blogtober 9, 2011 - "Convention Line-up"

So, here are the bunnies that are going to convention!

FP's Deuce

Meadow's HA2 "Emma"

PP's Do You Remember

Meadow's Espresso


PP's Irish Lass!!!!!!

Brat refused to give me babies!!!! I decided to show her instead of breeding her. So, that's 5 total, and I should have a decent lot at convention. I am showing a homegrown!! That's exciting. Wish Marshmallow could go, but she wont be ready in time. =( Espresso's coat will have more length to it, so I'm not worried about her.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blogtober 8, 2011 - "Why I'm not a people person"

Ok, so here is the diagram of the show room. I was coming off the the stage where the raffle tables were. Now, in the top left judging table there were Dutch breeders standing, listening to their rabbits being judged. I squeeze through with a friend, and one of the breeders says something along the lines of “I don’t know why people have to walk in front of us”. >_< Seriously? I mean, 1. It’s not my fault YOU chose to stand so far away form the judging table, and 2. It’s not my fault no matter which way I take I’m going in front of anyone! Oh my gosh I have no other way to go to get to where we were sitting. How rude was that? I turned around and gave her a nasty look. She didn’t see me, but oh do I wish she did! Tell me, how am I supposed to make it back to my seat? The area that people camped out at was heavily packed, and I would have to push people aside to get out. I mean, come on! Talk about rude...

Any who, here are some pictures from the show:

 The bunnies I brought ^

 I grew!!!

 Ziva, Lilac

 A Smoke Pearl Martin and a Sable Martin. Pretty!!!!

 My friend's bunneh

 Emma, AKA "Ms. Angry Pants"

 Such a cute face!

My friend's Himalayan

 Mini Lops!

2 Shots of Espresso please!


My friend's rabbit being a princess.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blogtober 7, 2011 - "Daily Iris"

So today's main blogtober will be a simple daily Iris. I don't have much to say, except that I will be trying to rebreed her sometime over the weekend. I give up. But, the nestbox will stay in until Wednesday, so I will be doing daily Iris until I take it out. So, here she is in all of her bring glory.

Yup. Boring.

Yesterdays daily Iris

I took this picture last night, but the actual act of getting it from my camera to my computer just didn't happen. So... here is a late daily Iris!

*Sigh* Soon I'm going to stop these, and continue it in a month or so. I demand babies!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blogtober 6, 2011 - "Tattooing Day!!!"

Below is a brief video of me at the tail end of tattooing a "2" in Deuce's ear. If you turn the video up enough, you can hear our conversation lol. I will have to redo it, for some reason the tattooer I was using wasn't taking ink well at all, so I will be making another video on tattooing on another day, from the beginning. Spencer couldn't figure the recording option out :P

Daily Iris later, but I promise you, it's nothing new...

Rest of today's Blogtobers:

Nothern Breeze Rabbitry - "New Photos"
ShayD Fields Rabbitry - "Really?"
4 Kings Rabbitry - "Pictorial Guide to Hollands"
Rabbit Smarties - "Cute Bunny Noses"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Daily Iris

Om nom nom. Notice lack of babies? I have too.

 This is how Do You Remember likes to sit in his bowl. Feet in, just a chillin'.

Blogtober 5, 2011 - "Clump for your thoughts?"

Ok, before I get into the details, let me just say that if I could have avoided this, I would have. Make assumptions that I don't groom, whatever, it's your opinion. What is FACT is that I tried to fix it the best way I knew how. The bunny gods must have wanted it to end like this. I explain at the end of this post what happened, so read that before jumping to conclusions, please.

So, some of you may know of a tiny rabbit named Tea Cup. Tiny little Black Otter. Well, you may also remember me asking how to remove mats on the fur. I am proud to announce that Tea Cup is mat free, as of yesterday! Here are some pictures of the 2 that I got off:

 Part that was attached to her tail

 Part that I would see

I was really careful about her tail part, so I used the personal trimmer for this area only. The one in my previous blog post broke (rolled off the table), so I had to use the new one (picture below), and I like it a lot!

 Part that was attached to her back/bottom

 Part I saw

The personal trimmer I used for the tail part

So, now for the story of how she got like this. I brought her to my grandmas apartment, along with her mom, and her litter mates, because I wanted to work on their posing while I was house sitting. The day I brought them, I also had to watch a friends dogs half an hour away, over night. At the time, Spencer, my husband, was working nights at Southeastern Guide Dogs, so he worked roughly 9pm-3am. It also happened to rain that night. I figured the rabbits would be fine, they were against the wall on the porch. I was wrong. I got back and they were SOAKED. There was also a wooden house in the cage, so they had some shelter, but not much. I had no idea the wind would carry the water that car into the patio, and FLOOD it. I never looked out when it rained, and the little time I was there before hand, it was only light showers, not the storm that came that night.

Knotted, mats covered the babies (mom's fur was fine), and Tea Cup was the worse. I took them all out and wrapped them up in towels and put them on the bed. They were all lined up, and I wish I took a picture of them, it was actually cute. They dried up, and over the course of a few weeks I was working with them trying to get the mats out. Out of the 4, 2 were really easy, and were mat free within a few days, and another also was free shortly after the other 2. Tea Cup was the worse. It got to the point where brushing her added on so much stress, and I was just hurting her, so I chose to just wait it out, and let her molt it out for her sake. Every now and then I would brush out another mat, and yesterday I was able to get it all off. The one at the tail worried me the most, that one I was not taking scissors near it, and I couldn't brush it out. So, I used the personal trimmers, which made my job less stressful. This litter was also the grosses litter I had ever had. They smelled from the get go, like they peed on each other all the time, and for some reason, their fur matted easier than my other litters. It must of have been the breeding combination, but they were gross, so that didn't help with the mats!

It didn't effect her lifestyle, she just looked ungroomed. She's all better now, and I am thinking about bringing her to convention!

Here she is now: *booger hates to pose*

So, here are the rest of today's Blogtobers, and I will see you tomorrow!