Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogtober 25, 2011 - "Packing Supervisor"

You know what's worse than packing? Other than figuring out what you want to wear the next day, when all the good clothes are being packed away for the trip (if you understand this dilemma, you feel my pain). I'm talking about being watched while you pack. Not a simple check up, NO. I'm talking about having your own personal supervisor!

You may be thinking; "Kristina, but your mom is only trying to help". No she isn't! Why is she not helping? Because she isn't my supervisor. Think smaller. More K-9ish. Smaller. Smaller again. A wee bit smaller. Smaller than the average sized Chihuahua.

What do you get?

This thing:

I was on the RA chat with Tessa when this picture was taken

Ugh. I can do it myself, Kloe. Thank you!

All jokes aside, I did manage to pack 80% of what I plan on taking. The rest of it will be finished tomorrow. I am so excited, and yet so nervous!!!!

Spencer is looking for my sneakers as I type. Which have gone MIA. Figures.. I don't want my toes to freeze! They are important to me.

So, not much else to say.. My tattoo turned out to be 3 dots.. the third is light, and wont be going away anything soon. Actually! Here's a picture:

Yup yup. That will be there for a few years.

Ok! Seriously, bye bye till tomorrow. I will try to update on the road. I can't promise how well that is going to work out... I've never updated through my phone before!

1 comment:

  1. Kloe is a cutie. She Looks like she disapproves of what you're taking, though, lol. I'm having to dig out my tennis shoes too. They're packed away. It's so hot here again that I wear flip flops most of the time. I think it's supposed to be pretty cold in Indianapolis this weekend.
