Saturday, September 3, 2011

Sleepy dayz

It was such a sleepy day today!!! I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, and slept on the ride up and back. I need to start taking pictures at the shows. There were 6 breeders, and 16 rabbits entered, which is a really good class for down here. Show A didn't go well, which is fine. In show B Greg West was going back and forth, talking to himself, trying to figure out who won BOS. It was between Emma and another rabbit, I don't remember which one. In the end he chose Emma because of her coat. I'm so happy, this is the final leg she needs, and I can grand her! She has 2 from the same judge, so I needed another one, and Greg was the one who awarded to her. I got a baggie full of stuff, and 2 hay cubes, both of which will go to the winner.

I was so annoyed with her yesterday, she started raising when I was brushing her. BRAT!! She never does that when I want to breed her, and of course I want to take her to convention. Oh well, she'll have to wait till we get back.

I got confirmation on Chewy's color, *sigh* he is a Sable Chin, and he will make an excellent pet or 4-H bunny. He's so sweet, I wish he was showable. I still have O.P.1. to breed to my 2 Agouti girls, so that's fine. The breeder is going to replace him when I'm ready. I also got another free rabbit from her, lol. It's a Siamese Sable buck, he is so cute!!!! I've been needing a shaded buck for a while. I really would rather not be swamped with blacks from the Tort and Smoke Pearl pairing I was going to do. He has a nice body on him too. I have way too many bucks, so all bucks born in this rabbitry will be for sale no matter the type!!! That's going to be hard, I love bucks.

His name is Yo-Yo-Ma

I love the Himi people. One of the breeders came up to where we were sitting after she won a double carrier full of supplies and gave us what she wouldn't use. So nice of her!!!

It was such a sleepy day, but it really did turn out to be a good one. Take care, and remember to hug your bunnies.

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