Sunday, September 25, 2011

10 random facts, not rabbit related

1. Nail Polish Addiction - It's to the point where I change my nail polish at least every other day. You will rarely see me in the same polish twice in a row. Yes I will be taking some with me to convention.

2. I am a Blackberry/Mac addict. I keep myself up to date with what's coming out, and I have even watched the keynotes of Apple at work, at least 2 times. So sad Steve Jobs is leaving.

3. I am the worst Floridian. I avoid the sun, I am really pale. I hate sand, so I don't go to the beach. I hate sweet tea, which is a McDonalds staple! I actually can't stand any type of tea. I love winter, and hate summer. See, I'm a bad Floridian.

4. I love musicals, more specifically Phantom of the Opera and Chicago. Goes with my theatre and orchestra background.

5. I hate pennies. Yes, I think they are pointless, and I am annoyed that I can't use them in vending machines. How useless is that!!

6. I love grapes (favorite fruit), but can't stand artificial grape flavoring.

7. I used to have a very intense obsession with Pirates of the Caribbean. It all stopped when I heard that they were making a 4th movie.

8. I can't stand plain chocolate. It has to have something else in it, like peanut butter, caramel, or anything else. I can't eat a lot of plain chocolate, it makes me feel sick.

9. I want to start making my own scented candles.

10. This is something that a lot of people on RA know, but I figured I would say it here. I am 4'11". No, I am not legally a midget, but I am really short.

So, that's 10 random facts about me, not too interesting, but good enough =)

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