Monday, January 2, 2012

Enteritis - Day 1

Enteritis is usually a case of severe diarrhea. It is an inflammation of the intestinal tract, which usually occurs during the switch from mammas milk to the solid feed.

I noticed yesterday that Penelo was much lighter than the rest. Then today, I noticed how boney she was compared to the others. I went onto the Rabbit Addict forums, as well as contact another breeder, and I got a few things for her.

I bought some electrolytes at CVS. I picked up Pedialyte which I will give her about 3 times a day through a syringe. The Gatorade will be put in the water bottles for her to drink. They can't overdose on this.

I bought baby food (Banana) to feed her, and I will also be soaking some crackers in water and having her eat that. It's nice and soft for her to eat, and this is to get her weight up and to get her eating.

At Target I bought a bottle of generic Simethicone 20mg/ anti-gas/ It's a generic of Infants' Mylicon Drops, and Little Tummy's. That is to relieve the gas build up, and get things moving inside her. This will be given twice a day.

The key is to catch it in time, and keep up with the treatments. I hope I caught it in time, and that she'll get better.

She was going to be my POL. It's always the best in the litter. I will keep updating the blog on the progress the makes.

Before I gave her the medicine she wasn't moving, not very responsive, and really lethargic.

About 30 minutes later, I feed her some of the baby food, which she loved. She was exploring what I had on the hanging table, and just moving! It was such a relief seeing a change in her that quick, and makes me feel so much better. I hope it continues.

Weight 1/2/12:
  Penelo- 7.5oz
  Chocobo- 11oz

Clearly this is NOT a good way to start of 2012.

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