Thursday, January 5, 2012

Enteritis - Day 3 - The End

Sorry I didn't update this yesterday.

The day didn't start out so well. I woke up periodically during the night to Penelo grinding her teeth, which is an indication of pain. I woke up earlier than normal, I had to go to work that day. I tried to feed her, she didn't want to eat. Spencer had the day off, so he took care of her. Throughout the morning Spencer kept giving me updates, sending pictures, and even told me that her weight went up to 8 oz. That's a good sign!

Then around 11 Spencer called my mom (we work together at an Elementary school, and we were on lunch duty helping the 1st graders.) While we walked to the back room she told me to call Spencer. I walked outside, and he told me the news. Penelo had died a few minutes before, and she didn't go quietly. He said that she screamed for a good 5 second, which when you think about is a really long time, even after he held her. She then started gasping for air, which he held her upside down to try to get air to her. That didn't work, and then she just stopped breathing, and died.

I had an idea it was coming. She took a nose dive that night, and I knew in my heart that I would have to start looking for another POL. It's one of those things that you know is coming, and I finally accepted it. To be honest, I'm not even sure if it was Entritis. She never had any of the symptoms other than just seeming like a fader baby. I will probably never know what was wrong with her. I miss her, I really thought that she would do wonderful things to my herd. Right now I need to focus on Yuffie and Ashelia, the only two to survive this litter. They are both healthy, and seem to be great show prospects.

This is the first time I've had a junior die that wasn't a peanut in over 4 years. I haven't had any diseases, or anything wrong with my herd (other than my mom's rabbit oddly getting fur mites twice) ever, I haven't had a rabbit die (other than peanuts) in over a year. I've been lucky, and my luck just ran out. I am lucky that it wasn't anything more serious that hit any other of the rabbits.

Just goes to show you that you never know how things will end up. I hope you all are having a better start to 2012 than I am.

Be safe guys, love those buns while you have them.


  1. I am so sorry. :-( ((hugs)) At least the other two are happy and healthy. I hope things start going better for you this year, you deserve it!

  2. Awe. :( I'm sorry Fuzz. RIP little Penelo! <3

  3. Thanks guys, I hope it does get better. If one of these babies can beat their dad, I will be so happy!
