Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bunny Cave!!!

Oh yes, Tea Cup has her own little bunny cave. I gave her a Diet Pepsi box the other day, and she seemed to like hopping in and out of it. Eventually it got squished, so I took it out and replaced it with a bigger Pepsi box. She was in bunny heaven! She loved running in and out of it. I wish I could give some of the others one, but Tea Cup has the most room to work with. I mean, she is only 2lbs 4oz. lol. Now, pictures galore!

And Lastly::

OH EM GEE!!! There is a piece of poo. Call the AC on me!
Ok ok, the last one was a joke. Maybe even a bad joke. I couldn't help it! AC stands for Animal Control, in case you're like me and went "huh?" when you first saw that abbreviation. I wanted to put some light humor to the current situation, not trying to make fun, or criticize in any way. I am poking fun at the situation "poke poke".

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